Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cousin Reunion - JaMar Ranch

Loving the tractor

Yummy sugar cookie!

Pa and Landon taking a ride on the tractor

Daddy and Landon fishing

Hitting the pinata that was made very well...it took adults to get this thing to come apart!!

Landon and Co Ro splashing in the water table...this kept them very entertained!

Meme stealing a kiss...gotta be quick to catch this boy who is on the run at all times!

Every year on Easter weekend we have a Cousin Reunion on my mom's side. This started 19 years ago and we always have such a good time and it so neat to really get to know extended family members. We all enjoy, talking, eating, watching the kids play, fishing, riding the jeep, etc. The fun never stops all weekend! I hope this continues for many years to come...I would love for Landon to have these same memories!

1 comment:

Marika said...

I love the picture of Landon and his dad fishing! It captures a perfect moment.