Thursday, April 21, 2011

School Easter Egg Hunt

The Whole Gang...Ms. Bobbi has her hands full! :)

Landon and Ms. Bobbi - He "woves" her!

Landon's class got to hunt Easter eggs and put them in the super cute basket they made!  They were on a mission at this hunt...they had to find an egg of each color and the bunny hid these eggs really well.  The kiddos had to search for them.  I love watching Landon with all of his friends.  He loves going to school and that makes me so happy! :)


A. Leigh Photography said...

i Love his shirt!!!! where did you get it??

The Aldrich's said...

awww, I miss those days! those are a lot of kiddos! Oh I know A&L would be in the same class if we were back in NB. Cute baskets!