Monday, March 7, 2011

The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That!

So excited about eating green eggs and ham!

Showing off his green eggs...

Story Time - Landon is in deep concentraion!

Posing with the Cat in the Hat!

Landon and his buddy Cole

Our local children's museum put on a special breakfast honoring Dr. Seuss' birthday.  We enjoyed green eggs, ham and a biscuit!  They also had a special story time and at the end you could take your picture with The Cat in the Hat himslef.  Landon informed after some observation that he was not real and that it was just a costume.  He was right about that!  I told him the real Cat in the Hat was in Hollywood working on more movies and writing more books.  He was happy with that answer, thank goodness!  It was a well planned event and we were happy to meet up with some friends there as well! 

1 comment:

Kristin said...

What fun; I'm sorry we missed that. Landon looks adorable as always!