Saturday, May 29, 2010

Come play, Schlitterbahn, bahn, bahn, bahn, bahn...

Playing in the submarine with Jake

Ty, Declan and Landon

Schlitterbahn has opened for the season and we have already enjoyed breaking in our passes! Since Landon is a big 3 year old this year, he had to have a pass too! He feels important getting a wristband just like Mom and all the big kids! I enjoy meeting up with my mommy friends and Landon has a blast playing with his buddies. As soon as we get to the park he asks, "Where are my friends?" He is such a little dare devil and does really well in the water. We are happy to live in such a FUN tourist town and planning on having - "The hottest, coolest time in Texas" for 3 months!

1 comment:

pjtj said...

That looks like a blast! Landon looks like he is in his element:)