Monday, September 28, 2009

"Bye Bye Fiers"

Last morning to wake up with his "fiers"

The awesome garbage truck he received in the pacifier trade-off :)

On Friday, Landon traded in his pacifiers or "fiers" as he called them for a super cool garbage truck. He was so excited to get the truck out of the packaging and play with it, however, as soon as nap time rolled around I think he had forgotten the deal he made with his Daddy earlier in the morning. I reminded him about the trade and that his "fiers" were at work with Daddy and now he has a garbage truck instead. He was super sad and at one point told me he did not want the truck. I laid down with him, which helped him get to sleep that afternoon and when he woke up he was excited to see his new favorite toy. I cried just as much as he did as soon as he was asleep...this was as tough for me as it was for him. :( That night he asked for them once again but when I said they were gone, he was fine and did not cry one tear. I was relieved that he did not fight it...made it so much easier on me. He no longer even asks for them but I am still sad for him. Our little boy is growing up and it is just so bittersweet.


AllAboutElliott said...

I love that little guy...I mean big boy now without his paci! I can only hope that our binky toss will go as smoothly as yours! My husband wants Elliott's taken away now, but I am the one holding onto them. I know that was probably tough for you! So cute!

The Aldrich's said...

Way to go Landon! It's great that he didn't put up too much fuss about them being gone..see, that wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be, right? So proud of Landon!!!

Kristin said...

Totally awesome garbage truck! Ryan wants one...where did you get it?
Way to go on the fiers!!!