Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Landon's Thanksgiving Feast at School

Landon with his Perky Turkey

Circling up to pray before the feast!
Landon and Adam

Landon and Mommy

Along for the adventure :)
Landon and his classmates were allowed to choose their Thanksgiving menu and then helped prepare the meal over a two day span.  Landon got to help with the turkey and the corn!  He gave me all the details about preparing the turkey...he enjoyed that activity!  Everyone in his class were to make a turkey out of any items they could think of...Landon made a sport themed Perky Turkey!  The turkey has Landon's old soccer socks for feet!  McKenzie was of course along for the ride.  They shared their food with her and Mrs. Reynolds even gave her some blocks to play with to keep her entertained!

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