Saturday, January 21, 2012

McKenzie is 3 months old...

smiling at Landon :)

what she was most interested in ;)

Little Miss in constant motion...silly girl!

McKenzie is no longer a "newborn."  It was pretty tricky getting this picture, and I imagine it will only get harder.  She was more interested in grabbing her feet and eating her skirt!  She is quite the wiggle worm.  I was with her for 30 minutes trying to get her to smile for me and had very little luck, so I called Landon in her room and she was full of smiles then!  Glad she already loves her big brother.  His silliness makes her smile A LOT! 

McKenzie you...
- had your first really long stretch of sleep at night...7 1/2 hours!
- love to play with your hands and feet.
- snort when you get mad...sorry, but this makes me laugh!
- want to be held facing outward when we are in public, so you do not miss any action!
- had your 1st nap in your were not a fan of that!

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