Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's a girl...puppy that is!

Meet Daisy Mae Yutzy :)

Our Little Family

Meeting Daisy for the first time!

First Vet Visit

Playing with her in the backyard :)

Landon has been wanting a dog for a REALLY long time so we decided if we were going to get him one this was the best time...hoping that by October when our new lil' one arrives we will have the puppy pretty trained.  Nobody laugh at this dream, I am truly hoping to make it happen and so far she has been a really good pup!  She sleeps through the night and potty trained super easily!  The one very big problem is she wakes up at 6 EVERY morning and Landon wakes up between 8 and 9.  We are still working on this...I am determined to get her on our schedule!  The only one that has a reason to be up at 6 or before is Brian!  She is a cutie and has won all of our hearts, so we are enjoying the new addition.  Oh yeah, she loves to bite out feet, legs and pants so if you run into us and we smell like "bitter apple no bite spray" you will know why! 

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hope things are getting better around there with the biting. Just remember, this phase too will pass and then you'll have a wonderful companion for the kids to grow up with.