Sunday, February 6, 2011

Arctic Blast 2011

You have to look hard BUT the white tint on the deck is SNOW!

Love Landon's face in this picture...antcipating snow coming into his face!

Proud of his snow filled glove!

What our back deck looked like...we had a strong wind before the snow and it threw the toys everywhere!

Fun pattern on our table :)

A view of our street

Animal Prints

Heading back inside with a smile!

Last Friday we woke up to SNOW!  This is a BIG deal when you live in Central Texas.  Landon could not wait to get bundled up and run outside to play in it.  Landon and Daddy threw snow at each other, he wrote in the snow, ran in it and looked at different animal prints in the snow.  This was a rare treat for us...I am not a cold weather person but I did go out and have so much fun watching Landon. 

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I have to tell you that when I saw the first picture of Landon, I had visions of him being 16 years old and that is just what he's going to look like! He looks so stinkin' cute in all of these and you can just feel how much fun he was having...especially in that last picture, but my favorite is the one with him getting hit with the caught that perfectly!