Friday, December 10, 2010

Preschool Christmas Program

Waving to us before they started singing!

Meme, Pa and Landon

Landon and Mommy
(Daddy could not make it but we made sure to video it so he could watch it later!)

Landon participated in his first Christmas program last week.  He sang 5 songs in all and did such a great job.  He has grown up so fast and I can hardly believe that he is old enough to be performing!  My parents were able to come up and watch him and he was very excited about that.  We were all treated to sandwiches and cookies after the performance!  Landon made sure to get a cookie first...guess he thought he deserved it for a job well done! :) 


pjtj said...

I cannot believe preschool program and Landon are used in the same sentence...cute pic of him waving...were you a proud mom?!

Kristin said...

He looked adorable, and I love the last picture of the two you together.