Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tis' the season to be jolly...

Santa came to town...

Landon LOVES this big tree :)

Landon and his buddy, Cole

Landon with Santa

Decorating sugar cookies

Such a happy boy...

Singing at the church dinner...he did a great job!

I know it is not even Thanksgiving yet but the holiday festivities have already began in New Braunfels! Santa rides into town the Friday before Thanksgiving every year and downtown NB is lit up about 30 minutes after dark.  Landon got to watch the lights be put up all last week on our way to his school each day, so he was super excited to see the lights get turned on...I think he enjoyed running around the circle with his friends the most! 

The next morning Landon got to eat breakfast with Santa.  He could not wait to sit on Santa's lap and tell him the 3 things on his wish list...a train table, a rocket ship and a white truck with a horse trailer and horses!  Lots of his friends attended the breakfast as well...friends always make it more fun!

We have many more fun events planned for the month of December.  Christmas is a great time of year...kiddos seem to make it even better!

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