Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Little Trooper

Sporting a cool hospital gown and coloring

Just waking up from anesthesia

Surgery isn't too bad if it results in a tasty popsicle!

Landon had his adenoids removed and ear tubes put in on Thursday morning. He was so great about it...we were proud of our lil' guy. The liquid "cocktail" that was supposed to make him drowsy made him quite goofy, which made it easier to leave him because he was in his own happy world!! He did very well and came out of the anesthesia very groggy, but excited that he got to drink some juice! He would have been perfectly fine sleeping in the recovery room all morning. He was not quite himself most of the day, but by that evening he was ready to go!


pjtj said...

Looks like he handled the surgery like a pro!

Lisa said...

Such a big boy, Landon! Good job! Lisa

Moffatt Family said...

I am glad everything went so well, he is so brave!