Friday, May 25, 2012

McKenzie is 7 months old...

Look how long she is...

Little Miss Flexible

SO happy to see Bro Bro come in her room!

McKenzie decided to let me know that the photo shoot is over!

Good thing she is happy most of the time because when she gets mad she makes sure everyone knows how she feels!  If you look closely you can see her 1st tooth!

McKenzie you...

- went on your longest road trip (to Kansas to see G-Ma and Papa) AND you did amazingly well!  You are such a great traveler!
- got your 1st hair cut!  Mommy and Daddy decided your mohawk needed to be trimmed!
- got your 1st tooth on May 13th!
- are still not a huge fan of solid food but I can always get you to eat breakfast (some sort of fruit mixed with oatmeal)!
-  still wear 3-6 month clothes and you can wear some 6-9 month size.
- are still in a size 2 diaper! 
- went to Schlitterbahn for the 1st time!
- went to Port Aransas for the 1st time!  You loved hangin out on the beach BUT you did not like the waves crashing at your feet.
- are still very happy and smile a lot!
- still love to eat your feet!
- said Momma for the 1st time and we are fairly certain you really meant me and it was not just a random sound!

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