Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Yutzys

At Hemisphere Park after watching Junie B. Jones Jingle Bells, Batman Smells at the Magik Theatre

Ready for the play to begin :)

Our hosts...Paul and Tammy

One of my favorite dishes...green bean casserole!

The family minus Tammy (the photographer)

Playing with cousins and Papa

Pushing Cousin Elli

Play- Doh time!

All the grandkids with the grandparents! :)

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with Brian's side of the family.  His parents and brother (and family) came down from Kansas and his sister that lives in San Antonio had us all over for the big feast.  We all shared cooking duites...makes it much easier that way!  Landon LOVED playing with all of  his cousins.  It was fun watching them interact as well.  They rode bikes, scooters, a motorized jeep, ran around like crazy kiddos and also enjoyed their time indoors!  It was nice for the adults to catch up as well...I feel old calling myself an adult?!?  Just exactly when did I outgrow the "kid's table"?!  So crazy to think that I now have a kiddo old enough to sit at the "kid's table" all by himself.  Happy Thanksgiving to all and thanks Houge Family for having us all over to your home! :)

1 comment:

pjtj said...

I can still taste your popcorn casserole...yummy, not to mention your chocolate pie...mmmmm....one of Paul's favorite things about the week was the food at Thanksgiving:)