Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas with the Yutzys

All the cousins :)

Landon was super excited about this packaging..Thanks Aunt Tina for the "buck" box!

Acting like he is a buck!

Papa and G-Ma

So happy about seeing a rocket ship!

Landon and Daddy playing with his new toy!

Now he has a measuring tape just like Daddy!

Lunch was not being served fast enough for Elli!

Eating Christmas dinner nice!

Aunt Tammy got all the boys Cars costumes and they enjoyed playing in them!

We celebrated Christmas with Brian's side of the family the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  G-Ma read the Christmas story...a kid friendly version from a great picture book that kept all the kiddos attention and then we opened us presents and stockings and had fun the rest of the day playing with all the new stuff!  A "rocket ship" was on the top of Landon's wish list and he was so excited to receive it from his grandparents!  He also got Toy Story pajamas (which was on his wish list as well), a CD, a Toy Story crashing game (he loves to crash things!), stamps (which he could play with all day!) and some other FUN things that brighten up a 3 year olds day!  It was great celebrating with everyone and spending lots of quality time together.  The cousins had so much fun together...Landon is still talking about the exciting time he had with them!  Thanks Houge family for hosting a fabulous Christmas Celebration!

1 comment:

pjtj said...

Christmas was a blast and Elli plays "I spy Christmas" most days:)