Friday, September 21, 2012

McKenzie is 11 months old...

You love ripping your bows out of your hair and then try to put them back.

Love books!
Our Lil' Diva was mad that I kept putting her bow back on her head, and making her sit still for a few shots!

- are on the move and soooo close to walking!
- get so excited when Daddy walks in the door!
- like eating ALL baby food now...even the green stuff!
- are a 4-wheeler and climb into and over everything!
- "talk" all the time!
- are super happy and smile a lot!
- say, "Hi!" and wave to everyone...people in stores, on our walks, at Landon's school,etc.
- got your 3rd tooth the week of Labor day!
- started a music class with Ms. love being around other kiddos!
- went to childcare for the 1st time so mommy could workout! You ended up with a cold so we did not go back but you did so good and did not cry at all. We will try this again when you are older.
- have a serious temper and can throw an Oscar winning tantrum!
- are spending 4 of your days with only Mommy because Landon started Kindergarten.
- tasted a sno-cone for the first time!
- love saying, "Uh-Oh!"
- so happy when you are with your belly laugh and smile at everything he does!
- maybe saying, "Daisy" but we are not positive.
- got your flu shot and found out you weigh 18 pounds at that visit!
- would prefer to play with Landon's hotwheels over any other toy...your brother is not totally happy about this, but he does share!

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