Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gristmill...a Birthday Tradition

Landon has celebrated his birthday every year at Gristmill...they have the best strawberry shortcake!  Thank goodness Landon is the sharing type.  He lets all of us dive in and sample his treat!  This year we went with Meme, Pa and Cousin Lara.  Lara is going to college in San Marcos and he loves every minute he gets to spend with her.  She brought Landon a bag full of lots of good loot for his big day.  Chocolate milk is a treat in our house and she stocked him up with a big canister of Nesquik!  She must really know what little ones like because she also got him bubble gum, ring pops, bubbles and other great kid stuff!  Thanks Cousin Lara!


HeidiMcGBlaue said...

I love me some strawberry shortcake- I'll have to try the Gristmill's now! We love your cousin Lara- thanks for sharing her with all of us! I'm so glad to see Landon had a super birthday!

pjtj said...

Landon knows how to celebrate his birthday!! Gristmill birthdays...he has great taste!

The Aldrich's said...

awesome strawberry shortcake!! Love all the pics! Landon is just so cute...can't believe our kiddos are 4 years old!