Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hunter in the making...

So excited about all the bucks he is seeing!

Saying, "Boom, Boom, Boom"

Shooting the big buck!

While I was making Landon breakfast he took it upon himself to find one of Brian's hunting/fishing magazines and was happily going through it and excitedly identifying all the fish and animals! He came across a picture of a BIG buck and was saying "Big buck, boom, boom, boom!" He then left the kitchen and returned with his toy gun and proceeded to shoot the buck on the page. He loves shooting at Brian's animal mounts in the office but apparently this buck was much bigger than any of Daddy's mounts. Brian was very pleased to hear about this when he got home from work. :)


pjtj said...

"Raise 'em up right!"

The Aldrich's said...

LOL..I bet Brian was excited!!!